what is a statement of activities

To make this process easier, we recommend that your organization partner with a nonprofit accountant like the experts at Jitasa. Be sure to pay attention to the net assets available to your organization under the “without restrictions” column of your statement of activities when analyzing the document for sustainability. If you were to simply subtract the total expenses from total revenue without taking restrictions into account, you might have a false sense of security. It is important to see the distinction between restricted and unrestricted as only unrestricted revenue can be used to pay bills. When a restriction is satisfied, those monies are moved from restricted to unrestricted and then used for expenses. Reading a Statement of Activities can be helpful for understanding a nonprofit’s overall financial picture.

The P&L covers all the organization’s programmatic, fundraising, and administrative expenses incurred during the period. The statement also reports all the revenue generated during the period, regardless of the source. Understanding and effectively utilizing the Statement of Activities is crucial for nonprofit organizations to achieve financial stability and fulfill their mission. If you need help or have any other accounting concerns, book a free consultation with a Velu CPA expert today. Our dedicated team is here to support you in managing your nonprofit’s finances and achieving long-term sustainability.

If you use accounting software, you’ll need to input all of the information manually. This can be time-consuming, but it’s not as expensive as hiring an accountant. There are two levels to the statement of activities; the summary level and the program level. Nonprofits typically prepare their final Statement of Activities annually as part of their audit or review and make it publicly available. However, organizations should generate it internally more often, such as monthly or quarterly, to monitor financial performance more closely. Regularly reviewing this and other financial statements will help you make well-informed decisions.


These materials were downloaded from PwC’s Viewpoint (viewpoint.pwc.com) under license. Return to the Internal Reports Introduction page for links to greater detail on how to read various reports as well as recommended formatting. If you are interested in working for a nonprofit, it’s helpful to understand the differences between nonprofits and find ways to translate your experience into a job with one.

what is a statement of activities

This calculation shows the equity of your nonprofit organization and whether you have the revenue to cover expenses, creating a sustainable organization. The nonprofit statement of activities and the income statement are two different terms that refer to the same report. Therefore, you need to make sure that your accounting system is well organized from start to finish, or else you may have errors in your statement. A Statement of Activities shows whether an organization made a profit or a loss during a period of time.

What is Included In The Statement of Activities?

Nonprofits have essentially parallel reports, but because their accounting is different, the reports differ slightly as well. Nonprofits are recommended to have general liability (premise), commercial automobile (non-owned/hired), and directors and officers (D&O) liability coverages. If the net income is positive, that means the organization is making more money than it’s spending.

The statement of activities is one of the main financial statements issued by a nonprofit organization. It is prepared instead of the income statement issued by a thorough understanding of off balance sheet financing a for-profit business. Finally, one of the categories often listed as revenue on your statement of activities is your net assets released from restriction. These are the funds that you are now able to use as unrestricted revenue, although they may have been restricted in the past. Because restrictions on revenue are a key element to be recorded in your statement of activities, let’s explore them a bit further.

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At the bottom of the report, there’s a section dedicated to the organization’s net assets. No matter what option you choose, you need to gather all your financial information before you can create a nonprofit statement of activities. This includes things such as your non-profit’s bank statements, tax returns, and investment statements. Once you have all of this information, you can start creating your statement of activities. Yes, many accounting software platforms have built-in templates and features to generate financial statements automatically. gross profit definition These tools can streamline the process and ensure accuracy in your financial reporting.

This information can be used to make decisions about where to allocate resources and how to improve the organization’s financial health. Yes, the Statement of Activities can provide valuable insights for budgeting. You can identify trends, assess the effectiveness of revenue sources, and make informed projections for future periods.

Every nonprofit’s income statement will look a little bit different. If you haven’t seen one for your organization yet or want to try your hand at compiling one, use our template to get started. The net assets featured on your nonprofit statement of activities are simply your expenses subtracted from your revenue.

PwC refers to the US member firm or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. Also included in your restricted revenue is temporarily restricted revenue. After that time elapses, they can be released from restriction and used as the nonprofit sees fit. Yes, you can add non-cash items like donated goods or services to the Statement of Activities. If they matter to your nonprofit’s finances, record them at their real value.

This statement can also be used to help you apply for grants and other funding opportunities. If you’re on budget or have a surplus, it will show potential donors that you’re a responsible organization. However, if you’re facing financial challenges, such as overspending, you may need to take a look at your expenses and see where you can cut back or look for other opportunities to get funding. Creating a nonprofit budget template can be a valuable tool to organize your financial data, plan for future expenses, and ensure fiscal responsibility within your organization. A nonprofit statement of activities is a financial statement that shows the  income and expenses of your nonprofit over a period of time. This statement can be used to track your progress and make sure that your nonprofit is staying on budget.

  1. Sometimes, revenue earned by nonprofit organizations has restrictions placed on it by the revenue source.
  2. These payments may have been made with cash, credit, or even through in-kind donations.
  3. This transparency and detailed accounting are vital for maintaining trust with donors, fulfilling regulatory requirements, and guiding strategic financial decisions.
  4. But also, things like programmatic expenses, or the cost of holding events should be included.

The Statement of Activities (SOA) is the correct nonprofit term for the report we may commonly have called the income statement, budget report, profit & loss, income and expense report, etc. The SOA report shows a nonprofit organization’s income, expenses, and net income for a specific period of time, all or part of a fiscal year. The report reflects the changes to an organization’s net assets resulting from financial activities that occurred during the fiscal year. It’s also used to categorize your nonprofit’s revenue and expenses. One of the things you need to do when you’re running a nonprofit organization is to keep track of your financial statements.

Nonprofit Accounting Terms

A donor could give a single donor that is to equally be split across 3 years. We consider that there is a time restriction on the funds allowing only 1/3 of the donation to become unrestricted in a given year. This transparency and detailed accounting are vital for maintaining trust with donors, fulfilling regulatory requirements, and guiding strategic financial decisions. We typically break revenue into two categories; contributed and earned.

Categories: Bookkeeping


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